[Copypasta] Urgot demands playtime!

twitchquotes: Dear Mr Rodriguez Qtpie. This is Urgot, the best ranged champion since Thresh ADC. I must confess that I find your consistant playing of other ADCs whilst neglecting me racist. Urgot demands playtime!! Kappa
twitch chat
December 2014
Waiting for adblock to be disabled
More imaqtpie Copypastas

Ads on imaqtpie's stream

twitchquotes: Hey QT, I was enjoying a session of ads on your stream recently, when it abruptly ended after only 45 minutes. Could you please fix this, me and my wife are eager to know how effective this kitchen cleaner will be!
twitch chat
August 2016

level 2 power spikes not level 2 power drops

twitchquotes: Hello. This is the admin of SKILL-CAPPED.COM™. We hired you to show viewers level 2 power spikes not level 2 power drops. Please start fulfilling your contract or we take your house.
twitch chat
February 2015

League of Legends

Feed in every game

twitchquotes: As Michael "imaqtpie" Santana sat shivering on the cold pavement, Lisha, who happened to be passing by, decided to share a loaf of bread with him. He wanted to share her kindness, and so he decided to feed in every game henceforth.
twitch chat
April 2015

Imaqtpie's daily routine

twitchquotes: BrokeBack wait 20 min for queue BrokeBack spam ads BrokeBack start game BrokeBack feed all game BrokeBack say "wow we lost that" BrokeBack spam ads BrokeBack repeat for 8 hours BrokeBack
twitch chat
November 2018

League of Legends

Hi my nam is Rebuken from Yugoslavia

twitchquotes: Hi my nam is Rebuken Im Challenged 5 in yugoslavic server 550 ping. You big insperatino to me and wish we can trio duo queueue so we be the best league of llemons team in america. I has green car to go to america and i barely speako englisho. this is transalte from gaagle pro. Byes XOXO, kiss love. :D
twitch chat
December 2014

League of Legends

Text-to-Speech Playing