[Copypasta] My blood pumpulates at incredibly capacities

twitchquotes: In greece, Kripparrian has risening from his antiwoke. As the Kripparrian plays cardstone, my blood pumpulates at incredibly capacities. For Kripparrian wins 50 cardstone. From a statistically standingpoint this is without precidenting! A hugely kilometerstone!
twitch chat
April 2014
I used to be a real ad
More Kripp Copypastas

Kripp saved my marriage

twitchquotes: I was going through a rough time in my marriage where nothing seemed to arouse me anymore. Things had gone stale between me and my wife in bed and divorce seemed inevitable. But then I discovered Kripp's stream and everything changed. There's just something about that vegan bald head that does something to me, and before I knew it my libido was back. I now go at it with my wife at the sounds of "Fuck!" and "Topdeck Flamestrike!" to boost my vigor. Thank you Kripp for saving my marriage.
twitch chat
November 2019


Chinese characters wave

twitchquotes: 厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦
twitch chat
April 2016

When drums play, my hands automatically type Kreygasm

twitchquotes: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ when drums play, my hands automatically type Kreygasm , i live for the moment and when Kripp comes i feel i have sex with the stream, all becoming well met. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
twitch chat
August 2014

Hello there, Octavian! This is Kurt McGriff

twitchquotes: Hello there, Octavian! This is Kurt McGriff, executive producer for the Food Channel. We have reviewed your recent application to be a host of your own TV show on our network titled, "Salty Vegan Eats - A Pro Gamer's Way of Life" However, after further reviewing your claim of being an "extremely popular professional gamer" we found the evidence lacking. Mr. Octavian, casually playing a children's card game does not make you a "pro gamer." Have a nice day and good luck to your future endeavors.
twitch chat
July 2017


Will this pay for singing in mumble

twitchquotes: [̲$̲(̲ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲)̲$̲] Leifman will this pay for singing in mumble? [̲$̲(̲ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲)̲$̲]
twitch chat
December 2014
Text-to-Speech Playing