[Copypasta] Learning how to throw like a pro

twitchquotes: Hey Imaqtpie! Thanks for the quality stream. I'm watching with my son and you have become his mentor. He is going into baseball so he's learning how to throw like a pro from you! Thanks again!
twitch chat
June 2017


League of Legends

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Entire screen goes gray ever 30 seconds

twitchquotes: Hey qtpie, you should check your video settings after this game, there seems to be an issue with the stream. The colors of the video fade and entire screen goes gray every 30 or so seconds
twitch chat
August 2017

League of Legends

Epik skill-capped MEMER LORD

twitchquotes: Yo QT, it's me... Scarra... I know what we said before and I hope we can just put it behind us... We need an Epik skill-capped MEMER LORD to come carry us. Peng Yalang just isn't doing it for us anymore.... FailFish
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December 2014


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July 2017

Doublelift looks nervous as he hands over the money

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twitch chat
February 2017

League of Legends

We can ayy if we want to

twitchquotes: we can ayy if we want to, we can leave your lmao behind, cause' your lmao don't ayy, and if they don't ayy, well they're no lmao of mine
twitch chat
June 2015
Text-to-Speech Playing