[Copypasta] Imo moonmoon's chat is the worst

twitchquotes: Imo moonmoon's chat is the worst. It's an endless stream of purple lady faces and various other meaningless emotes. Shit isn't even funny. I legit stopped watching moonmoon because I can't handle his chat. I know twitch chat is fairly toxic in general but at least people actually use words to communicate in other chats. Moonmoon's minions are so immersed in their 3 shitty memes that they themselves have become a meme.
twitch chat
June 2017
I used to be a real ad
More MOONMOON Copypastas

Hello Moonman or whatever your name is

twitchquotes: Hello Moonman or whatever your name is, I just wanted to tell you to please stop ruining my chat experience with these "smugs" and "smegs" and what not. Honestly, I find them absolutely infuriating to see in every chatroom I stumble upon. Fuck that dumb purple lady.
twitch chat
November 2019


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July 2021

there I was, finalizing my reddit post

twitchquotes: there I was, finalizing my reddit post complaining about moonmoons RP, when I heard my mom call me for dinner. Chicken tendies, my favorite. Tonight was the night I was meeting her new boyfriend. I walked downstairs, ready to eat my tendies. I looked up at who was sitting at the table. It was HIM. Bald, small beady eyes, and smelled like cats. It was MoonMoon_OW. And he was fucking my mom. “Why would you do this to me?!” I screamed at my mother, and ran upstairs to make another reddit post
twitch chat
May 2019

I've never even heard or seen moonmoon

twitchquotes: I've never even heard or seen moonmoon but I really hope he isn't as bad as his dumbfuck subs are. I know I'm generalizing but I don't really care, the past few days that I've had to see moonmoon subs spam their same stupid fucking copypasta has been the worst chat experience I have ever had to witness, waving around the 5 dollars they got for doing chores around the house once, trying so hard to fit into their smeg xD spamming clique, it's honestly so obnoxious I want to drink bleach right now.
twitch chat
June 2017

Imo moonmoon's chat is the worst

twitchquotes: Imo moonmoon's chat is the worst. It's an endless stream of purple lady faces and various other meaningless emotes. Shit isn't even funny. I legit stopped watching moonmoon because I can't handle his chat. I know twitch chat is fairly toxic in general but at least people actually use words to communicate in other chats. Moonmoon's minions are so immersed in their 3 shitty memes that they themselves have become a meme.
twitch chat
June 2017
Text-to-Speech Playing