[Copypasta] Slim down and shout less T1

twitchquotes: Hey T1, I was wondering if you could please take a month off of going to the gym to slim down a bit? Your huge masculine, muscular frame intimidates me and distracts me from the gameplay that I'm here to savor. Also please try to shout less I have sensitive ears. Thank you :)
twitch chat
December 2019
I used to be a real ad
More Tyler1 Copypastas

Tyler1 McDonald's order

twitchquotes: 2 McDoubles without onions, a McChicken plain, medium fries, 2 apple pies, and an Oreo McFlurry.
twitch chat
March 2018

I sexually Identify as tyler1

twitchquotes: I sexually identify as tyler1. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of running it down mid and typing "hehe xd" to boosted animals. People say to me that a beta becoming an alpha god is impossible and that I’m fucking retarded, but I don’t care, I’m an alpha. I’m having an engineer install a McChicken dispenser and an Oreo McFlury maker in my room. From now on I want you guys to call me “tyler1” and respect my right to catch axes and flame needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re an dravenphobe and need to check your alpha privilege. hehe xd.
twitch chat
June 2016

I sexually Identify as

League of Legends

you're only a entertainment puppet for us

twitchquotes: haha damn must suck that you're hardstuck Masters all season :) . Maybe now you finally realize you're only a entertainment puppet for us and not a skilled player, like imaqtpie. EU sends their regards :)
twitch chat
November 2018

League of Legends

lol not actually laughing

twitchquotes: Hi tyler1, i was just wondering as to why you type "lol" in the chat but on camera you are not actually laughing?
twitch chat
March 2019

Macaiyla left long ago...

twitchquotes: The year is 2050, league is played by less than 100 people. T1 has finally reached Masters, "Macaiyla I did it!" he yells excitedly. The sound echoes through the empty trailer. Macaiyla left long ago...
twitch chat
April 2018

League of Legends

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