[Copypasta] Quit my job from the burritos factory to play League

twitchquotes: Dear Qtipie Im Osvaldo Enchilada, Im from a very far away country named Mexico (the bornplace of fabbby) and I really want to become a pro, like you, Im gona quit my job from the burritos factory, and start playing, Im in silver IV but I will be challenger, and be a hero to my 7 childs, god bless and never stop burning those marijuanas boy.
twitch chat
December 2014
(▀̿Ĺ̯├┬┴┬┴ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?
More imaqtpie Copypastas

feeding the hungry on the rift

twitchquotes: wow qt is such a good guy <3 while most people are spending new years with their friends and family, this legend is feeding the hungry on the rift. much love brother and happy new year.
twitch chat
January 2018

League of Legends


twitchquotes: imaqtpie WHAT THE FUCK, where is your DAMN viewer age RESTRICTION?! This shit you put on your stream is too SCARY for kids, you need to warn people. As a MOTHER, I am OUTRAGED.
twitch chat
October 2014

level 2 power spikes not level 2 power drops

twitchquotes: Hello. This is the admin of SKILL-CAPPED.COM™. We hired you to show viewers level 2 power spikes not level 2 power drops. Please start fulfilling your contract or we take your house.
twitch chat
February 2015

League of Legends

Hola! Me Reyinald

twitchquotes: Hola!! Me reyinald I work as big boss monkey for teem solo midlane. mi amigos es dyros he make big anger of me i call him rude chico beecuz i say u apollogize or u leave team house and work in potato factory mi other amigo es wildgato i make hem feel very sad becuz i tel u stop get catch in teemfiyt or u leave house and work for me as donkey wagon. also me amigo es xpecial i say u win bot or i use u hair for make new eyebrows for mi face. Pls no copy frappucino dis tacorino pastorino
twitch chat
December 2014

Imaqtpizzapie and Imaqtlasagne

twitchquotes: Hello Michael, this is you Italian cousin Imaqtpizzapie. I just wrote to inform you of the birth of your new godson Imaqtlasagne. That's correct you are the godfather. Pls no copy pasterino mafiarino donerino
twitch chat
April 2014
Text-to-Speech Playing