twitchquotes:Reynad my lad, I'm quite saddened to see how drab your hearthstone play has become. Is that a NON GOLDEN CHILLWIND YETI FOR CRYING OUT LOUD? God save your barbarian soul, you filthy peasant... I was raised in an age where CLASS was valued. Im going to kaceytrons stream where i know ill find real quality
Reynad my lad, I'm quite saddened to see how drab your hearthstone play has become. Is that a NON GOLDEN CHILLWIND YETI FOR CRYING OUT LOUD? God save your barbarian soul, you filthy peasant... I was raised in an age where CLASS was valued. Im going to kaceytrons stream where i know ill find real quality
A spare I guess
twitchquotes:Hey Reynad, I bought two bundles of asparagus today. I only needed one but the other can be 'a spare i guess'.
Reynad and Kripp lay sprawled across the bed
twitchquotes:Reynad and Kripp lay sprawled across the bed, every inch of them exhausted from the rigorous topdecking that had just occurred. "Your deck was crazy" Kripp whimpered before remebering that he'd forgotten to pay. He grabbed a few coins from his emergency OJ stash. "Welcome to the five dollar club" he said as Reynad oiled up for the brofist.
Reynad and Kripp lay sprawled across the bed, every inch of them exhausted from the rigorous topdecking that had just occurred. "Your deck was crazy" Kripp whimpered before remebering that he'd forgotten to pay. He grabbed a few coins from his emergency OJ stash. "Welcome to the five dollar club" he said as Reynad oiled up for the brofist.