twitchquotes:Reynad you should know by now that anything and everything I say will get copy and pasted at least 100 times. It's the curse of the donger king. Much like Midas everything I touch turns to copy pasta.
Reynad you should know by now that anything and everything I say will get copy and pasted at least 100 times. It's the curse of the donger king. Much like Midas everything I touch turns to copy pasta.
deIlluminati when you velen's chosen prophet velen he becomes a 9/11, coincidence? deIlluminati
Think of the saltwater fish
twitchquotes:( ยฐ อสอกยฐ) Hey Kripp, Marine Biologist Gilbin Pastarino here. I come to you on behald of all the salt water creatures of the world as your body seems to have absorbed 99% of the oceans salt. Please thinkerino of the poor fisheroni. Thanks
( ยฐ อสอกยฐ) Hey Kripp, Marine Biologist Gilbin Pastarino here. I come to you on behald of all the salt water creatures of the world as your body seems to have absorbed 99% of the oceans salt. Please thinkerino of the poor fisheroni. Thanks
I love you future self!
twitchquotes:Hey youtube! It's me from the past! Remember when I wrote this and then it happened and now I'm watching this again on YouTube watching my message pass! I love you future self!
Hey youtube! HeyGuys It's me from the past! Remember when I wrote this and then it happened and now I'm watching this again on YouTube watching my message pass! I love you future self! KappaPride