twitchquotes:What is Tides' favorite class? Rogue of course! it has the backstabs (like tides backstabing reynad) and the betrayals (like tides betraying reynad) and the conceals (like tides true intentions)
What is Tides' favorite class? Rogue of course! it has the backstabs (like tides backstabing reynad) and the betrayals (like tides betraying reynad) and the conceals (like tides true intentions)
Listen up gentlemen, I've got a task for you, you hear? This scrawny, Edward Cullen-looking motherfucker says he loves pasta. Now, I'm not an expert on gay vampires, but as the best chefs in the world, we have an obligation. Let's. Make. Some. Pasta.
Giant Douche
twitchquotes:If Reynad was a Hearthstone card he'd be a Giant Douche
If Reynad was a Hearthstone card he'd be a Giant Douche
Purify is not particularly fun or interactive
twitchquotes:Purify created a strategy that revolved around trying to lose to your opponent in one turn without requiring any cards on the board. Silencing your own minions and battles between the players and Blizzard make an overall game of Hearthstone more fun and compelling, but spending 2 mana on a trash card in one turn is not particularly fun or interactive.
Purify created a strategy that revolved around trying to lose to your opponent in one turn without requiring any cards on the board. Silencing your own minions and battles between the players and Blizzard make an overall game of Hearthstone more fun and compelling, but spending 2 mana on a trash card in one turn is not particularly fun or interactive.