( ͡↑ ͜ʖ ͡↑) Riding the chat elevator all the way to Kripp ( ͡↑ ͜ʖ ͡↑)
This guy's hop is CRAZY
twitchquotes:This guy's hop is CRAZY . My croak can't compete against a ribbit like that . He lived in the correct swamp . He needed precisely those two lily pads to beat me . There were no flies I could catch . He had the perfect tadpole OSFrog.
This guy's hop is CRAZY OSFrog . My croak can't compete against a ribbit like that OSFrog . He lived in the correct swamp OSFrog . He needed precisely those two lily pads to beat me OSFrog . There were no flies I could catch OSFrog . He had the perfect tadpole OSFrog.
twitchquotes:CHOCOLATE RAIN, hobgoblin into chicken wins the game, CHOCOLATE RAIN, turn one coin in missles, Kripp is slain, CHOCOLATE RAIN, fireball the face and feel the pain, CHOCOLATE RAIN, sacrifice the raptor, all in vain, CHOCOLATE RAIN, Kripp that wrecking of Tay was inhumane
CHOCOLATE RAIN, hobgoblin into chicken wins the game, CHOCOLATE RAIN, turn one coin in missles, Kripp is slain, CHOCOLATE RAIN, fireball the face and feel the pain, CHOCOLATE RAIN, sacrifice the raptor, all in vain, CHOCOLATE RAIN, Kripp that wrecking of Tay was inhumane BibleThump