twitchquotes:NA, aka 'No Achievements' is the weakest region in the professional League of Legends scene. They are specifically known for their clown fiestas and never winning anything worthwhile in the history of League of Legends.
NA, aka 'No Achievements' is the weakest region in the professional League of Legends scene. They are specifically known for their clown fiestas and never winning anything worthwhile in the history of League of Legends.
Stop making fun of EU
twitchquotes:Stop making fun of EU, we are the second best wildcard this year and it took these players work and dedication to stand next for real teams from real regions. This is a step closer for EU to be recognized as the best wildcard region.
Stop making fun of EU, we are the second best wildcard this year and it took these players work and dedication to stand next for real teams from real regions. This is a step closer for EU to be recognized as the best wildcard region.
3rd world countries like Sweden and Germany
twitchquotes:As I sit here in the land of freedom and glory, soaring on the wings of the bald eagle; I look down at the earth below me. Soaring over the crystal waters of the US Ocean toward 3rd world counties like Sweden and Germany, I am reminded that not everyone was lucky enough to be born into greatness. A single tear is shed as I weep at the thought of Denmark and Norway and the poverty they endure. The tear falls
As I sit here in the land of freedom and glory, soaring on the wings of the bald eagle; I look down at the earth below me. Soaring over the crystal waters of the US Ocean toward 3rd world counties like Sweden and Germany, I am reminded that not everyone was lucky enough to be born into greatness. A single tear is shed as I weep at the thought of Denmark and Norway and the poverty they endure. The tear falls
Policeman that tries to give me freedom and liberty
twitchquotes:(ʘ͡ ʖ͜ ʘ͡ ง) I AM AMERIFAG. I have a 9000% chance to get SHOT BY A POLICEMAN THAT TRIES TO GIVE ME FREEDOM AND LIBERTY than a citizen of the EUROPE (ʘ͡ ʖ͜ ʘ͡ ง)
(ʘ͡ ʖ͜ ʘ͡ ง) I AM AMERIFAG. I have a 9000% chance to get SHOT BY A POLICEMAN THAT TRIES TO GIVE ME FREEDOM AND LIBERTY than a citizen of the EUROPE (ʘ͡ ʖ͜ ʘ͡ ง)
Big shoutout to NA LCS
twitchquotes:Big shoutout to NA LCS. My mother has sleep anxiety problems, but on weekends she sleeps like a bear. All I ask of her is to watch 10 minutes of NA LCS.
Big shoutout to NA LCS. My mother has sleep anxiety problems, but on weekends she sleeps like a bear. All I ask of her is to watch 10 minutes of NA LCS.