[Copypasta] 3% off of everything except my forehead

twitchquotes: Reynad ran crying out of the house. Knowing something was wrong, Frodan ran out after him. "What's wrong?" Frodan asked Reynad. Reynad replied with tears in his eyes, "Everyone was making fun of me." "Why?" Frodan said. Reynad barely eked out the words, "I can use promo code TEMPO to get 3% off of everything, except my forehead."
twitch chat
November 2015
I used to be a real ad
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Only the chosen wizard can wear his hat

twitchquotes: AMPEnergyCherry Only the chosen wizard can wear his hat ぀◕ΰ±ͺβ—•γ€β”€β”€β˜†*:・
twitch chat
May 2016

Trump. Amaz. MaSsan. Hafu.

twitchquotes: Trump. Amaz. MaSsan. Hafu. Long ago, the four Asians streamed together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the F O R S E N B O Y S attacked. Only Reynad, master of all four, could stop them, but when Twitch needed him most, he was too salty.
twitch chat
October 2014

Velen's chosen Prophet Velen

twitchquotes: deIlluminati when you velen's chosen prophet velen he becomes a 9/11, coincidence? deIlluminati
twitch chat
April 2015


Hello Reynad, this is your Mother

twitchquotes: Hello Reynad, this is your Mother. I heard earlier that you are going out with this new boy. I am very concerned. I dont like that Bro-Fister Kripp and I dont think you should hang out with him anymore. Whatever happened to that Tides boy? He had the nicest smile. Please copy paste this message so that my daughter can see this. -.--.-
twitch chat
December 2014

My name is Andrey, but most of you know me as Reynad

twitchquotes: (β—‰ ΝœΚ– β—‰) Hello! My name is Andrey, but most of you know me as Reynad! (β—‘ ΝœΚ– β—‘) I just lost another tournament (ΒΊ ΝœΚ– ΒΊ) But it's okay, I'll be a whiny baaby and complain about my luck
twitch chat
November 2014
Text-to-Speech Playing