twitchquotes:What is Tides' favorite class? Rogue of course! it has the backstabs (like tides backstabing reynad) and the betrayals (like tides betraying reynad) and the conceals (like tides true intentions)
What is Tides' favorite class? Rogue of course! it has the backstabs (like tides backstabing reynad) and the betrayals (like tides betraying reynad) and the conceals (like tides true intentions)
After Reynad uses pictures of his forehead for Tinder...
twitchquotes:After Reynad began using only pictures of his forehead for his Tinder account, his amount of female attention increased drastically. One woman was particularly ready to hop in bed with him. "I'm going to make so much money off of this thirsty Ukrainian!" she said to herself. Unfortunately for her she left her phone on with Andrey's Tinder profile open and his forehead heard her. She "disappeared" within the week.
After Reynad began using only pictures of his forehead for his Tinder account, his amount of female attention increased drastically. One woman was particularly ready to hop in bed with him. "I'm going to make so much money off of this thirsty Ukrainian!" she said to herself. Unfortunately for her she left her phone on with Andrey's Tinder profile open and his forehead heard her. She "disappeared" within the week.
Hey Reynad, Melvin Roede de Paard here. Horse penis IS food in some countries! It is eaten here in the Netherlands, it is eaten in Slovakia, and horse penis is also eaten by your hungry butthole!
twitchquotes:Hey Reynad I missed you past few streams but I remember you only having less than 100 Legend points, now you have over 1500!! Keep up the Good work I learn a lot from your streams!
Hey Reynad I missed you past few streams but I remember you only having less than 100 Legend points, now you have over 1500!! Keep up the Good work I learn a lot from your streams!