twitchquotes:Hello, is this "@Trick2g "? My son just got back from elementary school and keeps saying "lata" this and "the gates" that. He even told me how he wants to be a professional gate opener to all the asian hunnies. Please no Kapparino pastarino
Hello, is this "@Trick2g "? My son just got back from elementary school and keeps saying "lata" this and "the gates" that. He even told me how he wants to be a professional gate opener to all the asian hunnies. Please no Kapparino pastarino
Hello I'm a 1 month old banana
twitchquotes:Hello im a 1 month old banana. Since i fall off the tree i watch leek of legends and want
to become Soraka’s bestest banana but im afraid Wukong will eat me. Pls dont laugh at my story!
Hello im a 1 month old banana. Since i fall off the tree i watch leek of legends and want
to become Soraka’s bestest banana but im afraid Wukong will eat me. Pls dont laugh at my story!
I saw it on the new hip website called Reddit!
twitchquotes:I saw it on the new hip website called Reddit! It's a pun on Read and It, Reddit! Isn't that swell! There are also these things called May-mays or otherwise known as memes there. They're really funny
I saw it on the new hip website called Reddit! It's a pun on Read and It, Reddit! Isn't that swell! There are also these things called May-mays or otherwise known as memes there. They're really funny
I'm a level 20, diamond 1 smurf who mains ADC Taric
twitchquotes:What’s so special about this? Seriously, i am a level 20, diamond 1 smurf who mains adc taric. I was playing with a Morganna support vs a katarina, she did the same exact thing. Seriously, i see all morg mains make simple plays like these. Nothing INSANE about this basic hig-elo play, you cardboard scrubs.
What’s so special about this? Seriously, i am a level 20, diamond 1 smurf who mains adc taric. I was playing with a Morganna support vs a katarina, she did the same exact thing. Seriously, i see all morg mains make simple plays like these. Nothing INSANE about this basic hig-elo play, you cardboard scrubs.