SMOrc only real SMOrcs can build: perfect pyramid! SMOrc SMOrc . Try like me !Try like me ! Try like me ! SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc And my pyramid still higher!!!!! SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc
I want to play Patron Warrior but I'm missing some components
twitchquotes:Hey Reynad, I want to play Patron Warrior but I'm missing some components. I don't have Grim Patron, Frothing Berserker, Warsong Commander, the Warrior class, and the Hearthstone game. Can you suggest some replacements?
Hey Reynad, I want to play Patron Warrior but I'm missing some components. I don't have Grim Patron, Frothing Berserker, Warsong Commander, the Warrior class, and the Hearthstone game. Can you suggest some replacements?
Hey Reynad, this is a mean spirited comment
twitchquotes:@Reynad27, hey reynad this is a mean spirited comment with the sole purpose to offend you. Please destroy me with a hilarious comeback at your earliest convenience.
@Reynad27, hey reynad this is a mean spirited comment with the sole purpose to offend you. Please destroy me with a hilarious comeback at your earliest convenience.
Pick up the sock
twitchquotes:PICK UP THE SOCK OR THE DOG GETS IT (⌐■_■)=/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿̿̿ ̿ ̿̿
PICK UP THE SOCK OR THE DOG GETS IT (⌐■_■)=/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿̿̿ ̿ ̿̿ FrankerZ
We politely ask for the program 'text-to-speech'
twitchquotes:(╭ರ_•́)\ Mr. Yanyuk we politely ask for the program 'text-to-speech" to be used in this live broadcast for alas we will stir up a ruckus (╭ರ_•́)\
(╭ರ_•́)\ Mr. Yanyuk we politely ask for the program 'text-to-speech" to be used in this live broadcast for alas we will stir up a ruckus (╭ರ_•́)\
Hi I'm Reynad, I run a website called Tempo Storm...
twitchquotes:Hi I'm Reynad, I run a website called Tempo Storm where I post decklists for Hearthstone players to peruse. Don't you dare use them though, or I'll insult you for playing the decks I posted online
Hi I'm Reynad, I run a website called Tempo Storm where I post decklists for Hearthstone players to peruse. Don't you dare use them though, or I'll insult you for playing the decks I posted online