[Copypasta] Imo moonmoon's chat is the worst

twitchquotes: Imo moonmoon's chat is the worst. It's an endless stream of purple lady faces and various other meaningless emotes. Shit isn't even funny. I legit stopped watching moonmoon because I can't handle his chat. I know twitch chat is fairly toxic in general but at least people actually use words to communicate in other chats. Moonmoon's minions are so immersed in their 3 shitty memes that they themselves have become a meme.
twitch chat
June 2017
I used to be a real ad
More MOONMOON Copypastas

I've never even heard or seen moonmoon

twitchquotes: I've never even heard or seen moonmoon but I really hope he isn't as bad as his dumbfuck subs are. I know I'm generalizing but I don't really care, the past few days that I've had to see moonmoon subs spam their same stupid fucking copypasta has been the worst chat experience I have ever had to witness, waving around the 5 dollars they got for doing chores around the house once, trying so hard to fit into their smeg xD spamming clique, it's honestly so obnoxious I want to drink bleach right now.
twitch chat
June 2017

Metal isn't so great? Are you kidding me?

twitchquotes: Metal isn't so great? Are you kidding me? metal requires more talent than any other genre of music. And moonmoon_ow hates it? Thats ridiculous, metal is the best unlike stupid normie music. Moonmoon_ow shouldn't do this stupid restriction when many people (including me btw) love the music. metal is just too complex and cerebral for the masses to consume. dont feel bad. you are just all idiots.12 btw haHAA
twitch chat
June 2017

Imo moonmoon's chat is the worst

twitchquotes: Imo moonmoon's chat is the worst. It's an endless stream of purple lady faces and various other meaningless emotes. Shit isn't even funny. I legit stopped watching moonmoon because I can't handle his chat. I know twitch chat is fairly toxic in general but at least people actually use words to communicate in other chats. Moonmoon's minions are so immersed in their 3 shitty memes that they themselves have become a meme.
twitch chat
June 2017

I'm a streamer that is in LOVE with Weebs!

twitchquotes: I'm MoonMoon_OwO! i'm a streamer that is in LOVE with Weebs! That's right! I know it sounds crazy because bald streamers aren't supposed to appreciate true art, but I grew up with anime and have just never really wanted anything to do with normies! It just feels so good to be a degenerate weeb loving this Japanese media! I can't help myself! Their power levels and tourneyment arcs... I'm getting too excited now! I need to go to crunchyroll! I'm going to go watch some anime!
twitch chat
July 2019

MoonMoon subs in all my streams spamming emotes

twitchquotes: Fucking MoonMoon subs in all my streams spamming these stupid fucking emotes. I swear they're all 12 year old kids who subbed to this goofy ass mother fucker (who's not even good at the game, just a decent tank player who gets carried) with their mom's credit cards they stole. If I see one more goddamn purple face I think I'm going to scream. My AGDQ chat experience has been ruined time and time again by these spammers and frankly, I'm getting tired of it.
twitch chat
August 2017
Text-to-Speech Playing