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Macaiyla left long ago...
twitchquotes:The year is 2050, league is played by less than 100 people. T1 has finally reached Masters, "Macaiyla I did it!" he yells excitedly. The sound echoes through the empty trailer. Macaiyla left long ago...
The year is 2050, league is played by less than 100 people. T1 has finally reached Masters, "Macaiyla I did it!" he yells excitedly. The sound echoes through the empty trailer. Macaiyla left long ago...
Hi Tyler, Cakeyler here
twitchquotes:hello tyler this is your abomination of a child, cakeyler. ever since you brought me into this world i have known nothing but pain due to my horrible mutations caused by the way you birthed me. every moment of my life is constant agony and this has made me pure toxic cakeyler. anyone who eats me will die except for you of course my father. feed me to your enemies or to anyone who is not as toxic as yourself. i love you and the damage we can do together. cakeyler signing out.
hello tyler this is your abomination of a child, cakeyler. ever since you brought me into this world i have known nothing but pain due to my horrible mutations caused by the way you birthed me. every moment of my life is constant agony and this has made me pure toxic cakeyler. anyone who eats me will die except for you of course my father. feed me to your enemies or to anyone who is not as toxic as yourself. i love you and the damage we can do together. cakeyler signing out.
hey Tyler, its me Brad
twitchquotes:hey Tyler, its me Brad, remember me . Ha, remember that time when you tried to run trough the A gap but i tackled you so hard you started crying. yes good times man.
hey Tyler, its me Brad, remember me . Ha, remember that time when you tried to run trough the A gap but i tackled you so hard you started crying. yes good times man.
Gray Screen Simulator for Windows
twitchquotes:Hey Tyler, I was just curious if this was the new Gray Screen Simulator for Windows and Windows devices? I've been seeing a lot of good reviews and was curious about picking it up. Thanks for the advice, buddy!
Hey Tyler, I was just curious if this was the new Gray Screen Simulator for Windows and Windows devices? I've been seeing a lot of good reviews and was curious about picking it up. Thanks for the advice, buddy!
you're only a entertainment puppet for us
twitchquotes:haha damn must suck that you're hardstuck Masters all season . Maybe now you finally realize you're only a entertainment puppet for us and not a skilled player, like imaqtpie. EU sends their regards
haha damn must suck that you're hardstuck Masters all season :) . Maybe now you finally realize you're only a entertainment puppet for us and not a skilled player, like imaqtpie. EU sends their regards :)