Never click on scam links, try typing the URL by hand
twitchquotes:Summoners, beware! The consequences can be quite Sivir if you click on links promising free Riot Points. Never click on links that you don’t trust - instead, try typing the URL in by hand.
Summoners, beware! The consequences can be quite Sivir if you click on links promising free Riot Points. Never click on links that you don’t trust - instead, try typing the URL in by hand.
Silver 5, time for NA LCS!
twitchquotes:Hey guys. Me and my friends have always dreamed about joining the NA LCS. We created a ranked team, climbed up all the ranks till we got Silver 5. We have finally done it. Time for NA LCS!
Hey guys. Me and my friends have always dreamed about joining the NA LCS. We created a ranked team, climbed up all the ranks till we got Silver 5. We have finally done it. Time for NA LCS! 4Head
twitchquotes:Hi guys, I'm a 12 year old from Uganda. I sold my 6 kids just to be able to afford internet to watch C9 play at worlds. When will they play?