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twitchquotes:I have never seen a team with MAURICIO HONORATO lose a game.... I mean, he's perfect, incredible, good aim, intelligent, handsome... I honestly don't see MAURICIO HONORATO losing this game.
I have never seen a team with MAURICIO HONORATO lose a game.... I mean, he's perfect, incredible, good aim, intelligent, handsome... I honestly don't see MAURICIO HONORATO losing this game.
This is in reference to Brasil Gaming House’s flex player and Team Brazil member Maurício “Honorato” Honorato, who is a favorite among Brazilian Overwatch fans. More info here: WORLD CUP ORIGINS: THE HONORATO COPYPASTA
(▀̿Ĺ̯├┬┴┬┴ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?
More Overwatch Copypastas
Overwatch professional player xGodSlayerx
twitchquotes:We are gathered here today in memorium of the Overwatch professional player xGodSlayerx. In life, he demanded healing and better teammates who were not bitch idiot noob feeders. In death, he is an icon of Genji players everywhere. His legacy of epic zero-kill dragonblades and Blizzcon-worthy shuriken throwing skills have inspired a generation of one-trick DPS players in Masters and below. Perhaps what he needed was not heal bitch, or shield bitch, but a feel bitch.
We are gathered here today in memorium of the Overwatch professional player xGodSlayerx. In life, he demanded healing and better teammates who were not bitch idiot noob feeders. In death, he is an icon of Genji players everywhere. His legacy of epic zero-kill dragonblades and Blizzcon-worthy shuriken throwing skills have inspired a generation of one-trick DPS players in Masters and below. Perhaps what he needed was not heal bitch, or shield bitch, but a feel bitch.
I officially hate Twitch
twitchquotes:I officially hate Twitch. I worked so hard all day to make a copy pasta that would take the OWL by storm. But no one is considerate enough to copy it with me. Maybe I should just spam J K E like the rest of you sheep
I officially hate Twitch. I worked so hard all day to make a copy pasta that would take the OWL by storm. But no one is considerate enough to copy it with me. Maybe I should just spam J LUL K E like the rest of you sheep
What happened to Overwatch's DPS heroes?
twitchquotes:Hey guys, I'm new to overwatch. Is there a reason that they aren't using any damage heroes? How are they supposed to get kills without dps? Are they deleted or banned or something?
Hey guys, I'm new to overwatch. Is there a reason that they aren't using any damage heroes? How are they supposed to get kills without dps? Are they deleted or banned or something?
Valiant calls Shanghai