[Copypasta] You kids call that a copypasta?

twitchquotes: You kids call that a copypasta? What do you whippersnappers even know about shitposting? You just go to that Twitch Quotes website and copy any kind of crap that is posted there every minute. Well let me tell you: back in my day, we used to craft our own copypasta by hand, full of love and care, using only the freshest memes from Kripp's stream, then shared it with everyone. We didn't simply copy any crap that appeared on our screens. And don't even think of copying this you lazy millenials.
twitch chat
October 2018
I used to be a real ad
More Kripp Copypastas

Chinese characters wave

twitchquotes: 厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下厂下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦上二本与半卉一十士廿卞广下广卞廿士十一卉半与本二上旦
twitch chat
April 2016

Chemical Vegan

twitchquotes: Sugar! PJSugar Spice! PJSalt And everything nice! OhMyDog CoolCat KappaPride These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect streamer. But Professor Reynad accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction - Chemical Vegan! Thus, the Kripp was born! BabyRage
twitch chat
June 2016


60 fps is too smooth

twitchquotes: Who cares! It is a scientific fact that the human eye cannot tell the difference. In fact i'd argue that 60 fps looks worse. 60 fps is too smooth, it's like petting a shark, the scales (frames) are too smooth so it cuts your hand (eyes), while 30 fps is nice and stable and gives you a better immersion because the frames travel a longer distance so the world looks bigger
twitch chat
November 2014

Trump gave Katie Kripp's MITHRIL ARMOR

twitchquotes: Hello "Kripp" ...or should I say COCKTAVIAN. Guess who? YEAH. It's KATIE. From HIGH SCHOOL. Ever since you left me to play this stupid game, me and Trump have decided to continue playing Runescape WITHOUT YOU. And guess what? He gave me your MITHRIL ARMOR. Have fun playing this stupid card game, JERK!.
twitch chat
August 2014


twitchquotes: VEGAN MAN 🌊 😍 Take me by the hand ✋ lead me to the spam that you understand 🙌 🌊 VEGAN MAN 🌊 😍 The voyage 🚲 to the top of the 🌎deck is a real trip 👌 🌊 VEGAN MAN 🌊 😍 The crust of a Romanian man 👳 fueled by the banned 👍 Soaking up the 💦 salt in the spam 💯
twitch chat
September 2016

Emoji Pasta

Text-to-Speech Playing