[Copypasta] you're so mean to chapanya

twitchquotes: you're so mean to chapanya, and it seems sometimes that it actually gets to him, like just then in COD he started being more quiet and not really responding to the team, why you suck an asshole qt.
twitch chat
December 2018
I used to be a real ad
More imaqtpie Copypastas

Dog food lid

twitchquotes: Hello everyone! I'm entering streams to say something random! Did you know "dog food lid" backwards is "dildo of god"? Good bye everyone!
twitch chat
October 2014

Imqtpie losing his farmer's license for poor cs

twitchquotes: Hey, qtPie this is the NSA (National Service of Agriculture). If you do not start getting some cs soon, we will have to revoke your farmer license
twitch chat
August 2014

can you say something fun so that i can LOL

twitchquotes: hey @imaqtpie ! can you say something fun so that i can LOL (laugh out loud)! Thanks in advance :D
twitch chat
June 2019

Thanks Nivea!

twitchquotes: 銉洁技嗪堎勍溹簣嗉斤緣 GUYS GUYS , just used new Nivea Lotion on my donger and now it looks 10 years youger , THANKS NIVEA 銉洁技嗪堎勍溹簣嗉斤緣
twitch chat
October 2014


twitchquotes: All my life has led to this one moment. It could happen. But it could also dissipate before my very eyes. This is it. This is MY DREAM. Show them to me Qtpie, fuck dude, SHOW THEM TO THE WORLD! KNEECAPS. We all know you have them. NOW GIVE THEM TO ME. Plz no copy pasterino....
twitch chat
August 2014
Text-to-Speech Playing