[Copypasta] you can't chat. Its not a chat.

twitchquotes: Relatively new to twitch and I am confounded by twitch chat. It is just full of spam emojis. You can't ask questions, you can't have conversations, nothing. It all scrolls away so quickly to stupid face pics posted 15 times in a row.Its not really a chat. Chat involves atleast two people speaking to each other. This is just everyone spamming face emojis over and over again.What is the point of spamming the face emojis? It completely ruins chat; you can't chat. Its not a chat.
twitch chat
February 2019

I hate Twitch Chat

(β–€ΜΏΔΉΜ―β”œβ”¬β”΄β”¬β”΄ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?
More I hate Twitch Chat Copypastas

This channel needs to hire some proper mods

twitchquotes: This channel needs to hire some proper mods. Chat is just filled with idiotic people spamming mindless copy pastas who cant engage in intelligent conversation about the game being displayed. Its a step back in evolution in my opinionss
twitch chat
January 2019

I hate Twitch Chat

What are these mods doing?

twitchquotes: What the fuck are these mods doing? The whole chat is being spammed and absolutely nothing is being done about it. This is the worst fucking stream I have ever watched. I have wonder why anybody would purchase a subscription to this shit hole. This message will probably be drowned out by the circlejerk going on in chat. Fuck you, you fucking spammers. You ruined my fucking day.
twitch chat
August 2018


I hate Twitch Chat

This chat is awful

twitchquotes: This chat is awful, literally ass, except ass can bring pleasure, and this chat is the goddamn antithesis of pleasure. This chat takes life from children and kittens and puts that pure innocence into phallic pus. This chat is disappointment and hate of humanity funneled into barely literate text that takes intelligence and shits all over it before making a shit sculpture out of the souls of everyone watching this whore of a stream. Everyone in this chat is the dregs of humanity, if even that, content with postulating whatever ass talk they can squeeze out of the withered rectum of their wasted lives.
twitch chat
August 2018

I hate Twitch Chat

Come up with something original for once

twitchquotes: Is this chat so unoriginal that it has to copy and paste other peoples' messages? It's not funny and gets a bit repetitive. Come up with something original for once, and maybe you will find that people enjoy your messages. Perhaps you may even get a gifted sub for your troubles.
twitch chat
September 2018

I hate Twitch Chat

I'm tired of this terrible chat

twitchquotes: I'm tired of this terrible chat. I make thoughtful comments and cheer the teams on, but then chat spams and my comment gets lost. I might as well just spam PunchTrees 7 like the rest of you...
twitch chat
April 2018

I hate Twitch Chat

Text-to-Speech Playing