[Copypasta] GOATS ults ResidentSleeper

twitchquotes: FIRE AT WILL ResidentSleeper NERF THIS! ResidentSleeper EXPERIENCE TRANQUILITY ResidentSleeper HAMMER DOWN ResidentSleeper RALLY TO ME! ResidentSleeper OH LETS BREAK IT DOWN
twitch chat
March 2019


I used to be a real ad
More Overwatch Copypastas

Overwatch professional player xGodSlayerx

twitchquotes: We are gathered here today in memorium of the Overwatch professional player xGodSlayerx. In life, he demanded healing and better teammates who were not bitch idiot noob feeders. In death, he is an icon of Genji players everywhere. His legacy of epic zero-kill dragonblades and Blizzcon-worthy shuriken throwing skills have inspired a generation of one-trick DPS players in Masters and below. Perhaps what he needed was not heal bitch, or shield bitch, but a feel bitch.
twitch chat
June 2017


It starts with a charging Rein

twitchquotes: It starts with a charging Rein. Janus floods the enemy team. His teammates race back and forth behind closed eyelids. Janus dies. Dead. Now it’s up to the Justice to decide what to do with it.
twitch chat
March 2019


Roadhogs hook is one of the hardest skills to master

twitchquotes: Roadhogs hook is one of the hardest skills to master... you have to predict speed trajectory momentum and velocity aswell as healing yourself and tanking... roadhog has the heigest skill ceiling.
twitch chat
July 2019


OMG that was not a c9 plat chat

twitchquotes: OMG that was not a c9 plat chat πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ you see, I know what a c9 is because I'm a low diamond and understand concepts such as c9, reset, dive and goats, unlike you PLATS πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ
twitch chat
May 2019


Text-to-Speech Playing