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[Copypasta]Twitch Chat allows 420 characters
twitchquotes:Twitch Chat allows 420 characters and there's 109,384 different characters that exist. So there's a total of 2.294*10^2116 possible chat messages that can exist. But you chose to spam that one
Twitch Chat allows 420 characters and there's 109,384 different characters that exist. So there's a total of 2.294*10^2116 possible chat messages that can exist. But you chose to spam that one
C9 is losing the team fight on the point uncontested
twitchquotes:LEARN PLAT CHAT! C9 is losing the team fight on the point uncontested during overtime But alot of players now say C9 when they WIN a point and losing the fight when the time runs out.
LEARN PLAT CHAT! C9 is losing the team fight on the point uncontested during overtime But alot of players now say C9 when they WIN a point and losing the fight when the time runs out.
Forsen how DARE you miss lethal
twitchquotes:Forsen how DARE you miss lethal. You are a pro gamer. I look up to you as my hearthstone mentor, perhaps even as a father figure. My dad wouldn't miss lethal, and neither should you...
Forsen how DARE you miss lethal. You are a pro gamer. I look up to you as my hearthstone mentor, perhaps even as a father figure. My dad wouldn't miss lethal, and neither should you...
Vegan prison
twitchquotes:Attention Kripp: As a friendly vegan lawyer, you need to inform chat this is 100% sellout stream. If you want to stay away from vegan prison where meat is stuffed into all new inmates, inform chat now.
Attention Kripp: As a friendly vegan lawyer, you need to inform chat this is 100% sellout stream. If you want to stay away from vegan prison where meat is stuffed into all new inmates, inform chat now.
Twitch chat is the reason esports...
twitchquotes:Twitch chat is the reason esports will never be taken seriously. people simply spam unoriginal comments and spout dead memes and it really hinders the experience for spectators and professionals such as myself.
Twitch chat is the reason esports will never be taken seriously. people simply spam unoriginal comments and spout dead memes and it really hinders the experience for spectators and professionals such as myself.