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[Copypasta]LS aka "Low Stamina"
twitchquotes:LS aka "Low Stamina" is a low energy depressed white american boy who cheated on a video game called starcrafting to impress his abusive mom. now he lives off korean welfare in his little world called twatch television
LS aka "Low Stamina" is a low energy depressed white american boy who cheated on a video game called starcrafting to impress his abusive mom. now he lives off korean welfare in his little world called twatch television
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LS aka “Last Straw”
twitchquotes:LS aka “Last Straw” is always on the verge of commiting vehicular manslaughter. He has been assigned to multiple psychiatric hospitals, but always manages to escape due to the prison guards “bad pathing”.
LS aka “Last Straw” is always on the verge of commiting vehicular manslaughter. He has been assigned to multiple psychiatric hospitals, but always manages to escape due to the prison guards “bad pathing”.
LS aka "Losing Scout" is a washed up caster
twitchquotes:LS aka "Losing Scout" is a washed up caster who finds talent by inting in soloqueue and letting his teammates carry him. He is specifically known for his whiffed Ezreal and Ashe ults and protecting himself from corona virus by using cleanse.
LS aka "Losing Scout" is a washed up caster who finds talent by inting in soloqueue and letting his teammates carry him. He is specifically known for his whiffed Ezreal and Ashe ults and protecting himself from corona virus by using cleanse.
LS, aka "Low Standards"
twitchquotes:LS, aka "Low Standards", is a commentator for the LCK that is often ridiculed for his annoying personality and questionable game knowledge. He is specifically known for his Annie and Tahm “Thomas” Kench two-trick-pony in low platinum solo-queue..
LS, aka "Low Standards", is a commentator for the LCK that is often ridiculed for his annoying personality and questionable game knowledge. He is specifically known for his Annie and Tahm “Thomas” Kench two-trick-pony in low platinum solo-queue..
LS aka "Leaked Script"
twitchquotes:LS aka "Leaked Script" is a genius caster/commentator in the LCK and self-declared coach, who is specifically known for predicting picks during draft and his spot-on analysis, all thanks to his ability to read the script.
LS aka "Leaked Script" is a genius caster/commentator in the LCK and self-declared coach, who is specifically known for predicting picks during draft and his spot-on analysis, all thanks to his ability to read the script.
LS, aka "Lucian Senna"
LS, aka "Lucian Senna", is the most boring top lane match up that is often ridiculed for it's low interactivity, freezing and questionable skill expression. It is especially notorious for endless lane pushing and cheater recall abusing. It is often played by a low platinum solo-queue 130 BPM LCS costreamer.
LS, aka "Lucian Senna", is the most boring top lane match up that is often ridiculed for it's low interactivity, freezing and questionable skill expression. It is especially notorious for endless lane pushing and cheater recall abusing. It is often played by a low platinum solo-queue 130 BPM LCS costreamer.