[Copypasta] ARAM, aka "Americans Running Around Mid"

twitchquotes: ARAM, aka "Americans Running Around Mid," is a strategy employed by many LCS teams in order to tilt their opponents. However, its successfulness is questionable, especially since it made TL lose the fastest ever international Bo5.
twitch chat
August 2019

League of Legends

I used to be a real ad
More League of Legends Copypastas

Tyler, you are a role model to other streamers

twitchquotes: Tyler, you are a role model to other streamers where you dont prioritize your subs, you are a man of culture who appreciates many things with your 195 IQ. You solved many of the worlds mysteries and invented 400k viewer records. You make even the worst games winnable and never surrender at 15. You are the sole man to walk the Earth capable of achieving such feats. You will leave your footprints in history books.
twitch chat
March 2018

League of Legends

Chat would benefit from watching you play Xayah or Varus

twitchquotes: Hey Sneaky, I think chat would benefit from watching you play Xayah or Varus. We're all sex starved weebs and when you play Xayah and Varus we get to see you get your shit pushed in
twitch chat
March 2018

League of Legends

Tyler1 is a hard stuck attack-damage carry

twitchquotes: LoLTyler1, also known as the most renown athletes in the American game of football and collegiate participants, is a hard stuck attack-damage, a role found in the monolithic video game, League of Legends. Tyler1 specializes in fields such as sports, academia, and banter. Though Tyler is self-proclaimed to be, quote, “alpha as fuck”, he often cannot pronounce most of the words that his chat uses. Such mispronunciations include this particular instantiation of this current message..
twitch chat
March 2018

League of Legends

TL aka "The Losers"

twitchquotes: TL, aka "The Losers", is team that somehow manages to be #1 in NA. Fans think they are the next big thing, but NA fails to see they are made up of 4 asians and 1 EU player.
twitch chat
July 2019
Riot Games

League of Legends

Jared, one final ff

twitchquotes: The year is 2027, Jared has just returned from his third tour in North Korea. Each time he fired his rifle he whispered the same word, "/ff". He looks down to the 9mm in his belt and dreams of seeing imaqtpie and Dom one last time, one final "/ff'
twitch chat
April 2016
Annie Bot

Boosted Animal Jared

League of Legends

Text-to-Speech Playing