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[Copypasta]When will C9 play at Worlds?
twitchquotes:Hi guys, I'm a 12 year old from Uganda. I sold my 6 kids just to be able to afford internet to watch C9 play at worlds. When will they play?
banana, you're a banana. are you feeling sorry for yourself? well you should be cause you are fruit, you make me sick you big banana.
TL aka "The Losers"
twitchquotes:TL, aka "The Losers", is team that somehow manages to be #1 in NA. Fans think they are the next big thing, but NA fails to see they are made up of 4 asians and 1 EU player.
TL, aka "The Losers", is team that somehow manages to be #1 in NA. Fans think they are the next big thing, but NA fails to see they are made up of 4 asians and 1 EU player.
TSM Oriental
twitchquotes:Am I seriously the only one offended by Samsung White? They would be ranting and raving if we had a team TSM Oriental or something. Jeez
Am I seriously the only one offended by Samsung White? They would be ranting and raving if we had a team TSM Oriental or something. Jeez
Never click on scam links, try typing the URL by hand
twitchquotes:Summoners, beware! The consequences can be quite Sivir if you click on links promising free Riot Points. Never click on links that you don’t trust - instead, try typing the URL in by hand.
Summoners, beware! The consequences can be quite Sivir if you click on links promising free Riot Points. Never click on links that you don’t trust - instead, try typing the URL in by hand.