[Copypasta] I've never even watched The Simpsons

I am beyond fucking angry right now. As I type this message I can physically feel my muscles tensing and my blood pressure rising. Why the fuck would you call me a "simp"? I've never even fucking watched The Simpsons. Not one fucking episode. I hope you retract that statement, because i'd never refer to you as a dick for not watching Dick and Dom in da Bungalow.
December 2020
What happened to this ad? :(
More Copypastas

Nani the fuck did you just fucking iimasu about watashi

Nani the fuck did you just fucking iimasu about watashi, you chiisai bitch desuka? Watashi’ll have anata know that watashi graduated top of my class in Nihongo 3, and watashi’ve been involved in iroirona Nihongo tutoring sessions, and watashi have over sanbyaku perfect test scores. Watashi am trained in kanji, and watashi is the top letter writer in all of southern California. Anata are nothing to watashi but just another weaboo. Watashi will korosu anata the fuck out with vocabulary the likes of which has never been mimasu’d before on this continent, mark watashino fucking words. Anata thinks anata can get away with hanashimasing that kuso to watashi over the intaaneto? Omou again, fucker. As we hanashimasu, watashi am contacting watashino secret netto of otakus across the USA, and anatano IP is being traced right now so you better junbishimasu for the ame, ujimushi. The ame that korosu’s the pathetic chiisai thing anata calls anatano life. You’re fucking shinimashita’d, akachan.
June 2021


Hiko is as cracked as he is jacked (7-11 diapers)

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twitch chat
June 2021


I am not a viewbot. I am a normal chatter in Kripp's chat

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twitch chat
September 2015


Watch Kripp's stream as punishment

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twitch chat
May 2017


Ebolus enchantus

twitchquotes: (∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚ Ebolus enchantus(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚ Ebolus enchantus(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚ Ebolus enchantus
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October 2014
Text-to-Speech Playing