卐This is a windmill of friendship and tolerance卐 Copy and paste this if you also love twitch chat people!!!*
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More imaqtpie Copypastas
Dongerino Macaroni, President of Copy Pasta Industries
twitchquotes:Hello, it is me Dongerino Macaroni, President of Copy Pasta Industries. We have received many complaints from your stream about the lak of copy pasta products your chat is using. As your sponsor, we suggest you supply your chat with more 's or ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽'s to keep your chat up to company standards. Thank you for your time.
Hello, it is me Dongerino Macaroni, President of Copy Pasta Industries. We have received many complaints from your stream about the lak of copy pasta products your chat is using. As your sponsor, we suggest you supply your chat with more Kappa 's or ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽'s to keep your chat up to company standards. Thank you for your time.
Mr Qtpie apepars to be a boosted bonobo
twitchquotes: I-I hate to point this out mr qtpie b-but you appear to be a boosted bonobo
monkaS ☝️ I-I hate to point this out mr qtpie b-but you appear to be a boosted bonobo monkaS 👉
The focus of a champion
twitchquotes:Sometimes I think the stream froze, but nope. Its just Michael Santana staring into the monitor and mouth breathing while remaining perfectly still. The focus of a champion.
Sometimes I think the stream froze, but nope. Its just Michael Santana staring into the monitor and mouth breathing while remaining perfectly still. The focus of a champion.
Hey qtpie, you should check your video settings
twitchquotes:Hey qtpie, you should check your video settings after this game, there seems to be an issue with the stream. The colors of the video fade and entire screen goes gray every 30 or so seconds
Hey qtpie, you should check your video settings after this game, there seems to be an issue with the stream. The colors of the video fade and entire screen goes gray every 30 or so seconds
Hi chat i comerino from amsterdamerino
twitchquotes:Hi chat i comerino from amsterdamerino i solderino my weederino to the 420 lord to pay internet connection to play legenderino leaguerino. Plzerino notice me i playerin with 420 pingerino but im challenger 420 and i always end with 4/2/0 plz help me smokerino more weederino no copy pasterino
Hi chat i comerino from amsterdamerino i solderino my weederino to the 420 lord to pay internet connection to play legenderino leaguerino. Plzerino notice me i playerin with 420 pingerino but im challenger 420 and i always end with 4/2/0 plz help me smokerino more weederino no copy pasterino