[Copypasta] what do you say when you come? murk durgle

About 5 years ago I was making a character on an RPG and my ex girlfriend was sitting next to me talking to me and asking me questions about my game. I had a dwarf and dreamed up the name Murk Durgle. My ex hated that name and said it felt gross, like the word moist. I shrugged it off. We went about our day and after putting the kids to bed we started having sex. She tells me she's about to come and I bellow out "MUUUURRRKKKK DUUUURGLE" and she punches me in the chest and yelled at me "what the fuck dude?! You fucking murk durgled me?! Give me my vibrator and get the fuck out" Then I sat out in the kitchen laughing for a few minutes
January 2022
I used to be a real ad
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cant understand how you have a popular stream

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twitch chat
September 2019

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December 2018


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October 2020
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Everyone knows the crowd are all paid actors

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twitch chat
March 2018

Stop calling slabs "half-slabs," you fucking imbeciles.

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Text-to-Speech Playing