[Copypasta] Ruski Constituski

twitchquotes: HELLO CHAT. My NAME Sergei Copypastavich from Russia. You all steal my family name and violate copyright law 459.53 of Ruski Constituski. I sue all of you and me and Putin laugh and play in pile of twitch monies. As they say in amarica F*CK To YOU, Pay to me!!
twitch chat
November 2014
I used to be a real ad
More Reynad Copypastas

Reynad is inspiring

twitchquotes: Reynad, you have inspired me so much. Without you I would never have been able to come to terms with my genital warts and how they are natural. I am no longer ashamed of them and would like you to someday see them! Thank you.
twitch chat
March 2014

Become one with the awkward

twitchquotes: When Reynad dare, my palm automatically go to face. I become one with the awkward, and cringe. Pls no copypasterino.
twitch chat
March 2014

Don't use that catheter on my bum bumarino

twitchquotes: Hello Gino "No Cappuccino" Pastarino here. I see you are using one of Reynad's copyrighted decks. You must pay...wait you are Reynadarino climbing ladderino? My badarino. Please forgivarino Lord Reynard. I give much love. Don't use that catheter on my bum bumarino like you did last time-arino. With no cappucino Love, Gino Pastarino
twitch chat
July 2014

We politely ask for the program 'text-to-speech'

twitchquotes: (╭ರ_•́)\ Mr. Yanyuk we politely ask for the program 'text-to-speech" to be used in this live broadcast for alas we will stir up a ruckus (╭ರ_•́)\
twitch chat
January 2015
Text-to-Speech Playing