twitchquotes: UPLOADING VIRUS EXE ████████████████] 98%
twitch chat
November 2014
I used to be a real ad
More Reynad Copypastas

The Dead Sea is one of the world's saltiest bodies of water

twitchquotes: The Dead Sea is a salt lake bordering Jordan to the east, and Israel and the West Bank to the west. It is also one of the world's saltiest bodies of water. It is 9.6 times as salty as the ocean.[6] This salinity makes for a harsh environment in which all but one animal can flourish, hence its name. The only creature that can live in such high salinity levels is Reynard. He is also the reason for the dead seas high salinity.
twitch chat
January 2015

Reynad is the math teacher and I am a sexy lifeguard boy

twitch chat
March 2014

Hey Reynad, King of Nigeria here

twitchquotes: Hey Reynad, King of Nigeria here. Through generations of inbreeding, my family tree now looks more like a family reef. The genetic defects are getting out of hand. My grandson was just born with a giant donger on his head. How will this affect my reign?
twitch chat
January 2015

All these flavours, and he chose to be salty

twitchquotes: PJSalt All these flavours, and he chose to be salty. PJSalt
twitch chat
August 2015


I love you future self!

twitchquotes: Hey youtube! HeyGuys It's me from the past! Remember when I wrote this and then it happened and now I'm watching this again on YouTube watching my message pass! I love you future self! KappaPride
twitch chat
March 2016
Text-to-Speech Playing