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League of Legends copypastas

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Hey qtpie, you should check your video settings

twitchquotes: Hey qtpie, you should check your video settings after this game, there seems to be an issue with the stream. The colors of the video fade and entire screen goes gray every 30 or so seconds
twitch chat
September 2017

League of Legends

Is KogMaw's passive account specific?

twitchquotes: Hi Michael, I saw Doublelift playing Kogmaw yesterday and he didn't seem to have the same cool passive you have. Was his game bugged or is the passive account specific?
twitch chat
September 2017

League of Legends

(β–€ΜΏΔΉΜ―β”œβ”¬β”΄β”¬β”΄ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?

Entire screen goes gray ever 30 seconds

twitchquotes: Hey qtpie, you should check your video settings after this game, there seems to be an issue with the stream. The colors of the video fade and entire screen goes gray every 30 or so seconds
twitch chat
August 2017

League of Legends

Your team is all washed up

twitchquotes: Rick Fox invites Shiphtur to his private island, and says to him, "I want you to play on my team." "But who will be my teammates?" Shiphtur replies. Just as he asks that, Dyrus, Scarra, Voyboy and Imaqtpie swim ashore. Rick Fox smiles as he looks towards the shore: "Your team is all washed up."
twitch chat
July 2017

League of Legends

Do I have to subscribe to see the stream in color?

twitchquotes: Do I have to subscribe to see the stream in color? :)
twitch chat
July 2017

League of Legends

Waiting for adblock to be disabled

which way would you move?

twitchquotes: If imaqtpie was in front of you, and scarra was behind you, and you were an inch deep in imaqtpie, and scarra was an inch deep in you, and you had to move an inch forwards or backwards, which way would you move?
twitch chat
July 2017

League of Legends

You guess it right, its Michael Santana

twitchquotes: my hairs too long, ResidentSleeper but not my bananna, ResidentSleeper you guessed it right, ResidentSleeper its michael santana ResidentSleeper
twitch chat
July 2017

League of Legends

The focus of a champion

twitchquotes: Sometimes I think the stream froze, but nope. Its just Michael Santana staring into the monitor and mouth breathing while remaining perfectly still. The focus of a champion.
twitch chat
July 2017

League of Legends

Imaqtpie's father messages him

twitchquotes: Hola Miguel, it is me your father, Fernando Santana. I see you achieved a lot in your life and your seniora Lisha is a fine mamacita. When are you comin to Mehico?
twitch chat
June 2017

League of Legends

I used to be a real ad

Sneaky play more aggressive

twitchquotes: Im fUcKiNg tIrEd oF SnEaKy nOt pLaYiNg mOrE AgGrEsSiVe aNd tRy tO CaRrY GaMeS, hE SuPpOsEd tO StEp tHe fUcK Up, He iS AdC AnD BeEn pLaYiNg gAmE OvEr 7 yEaRs, LeT'S FuCkInG Go, AtLeAsT TrY To cArRy aNd mAkE PlAyS LiKe dOuBlElIfT AnD WiLdTuRtLe, If yOu fUcK Up tHeN U FuCk uP, bUt dOnT PlAy tHeSe sHiT AdC'S AnD ShIt pOsItIoNiNg iN FiGhTs aNd jUsT LeT ThE GaMe cOmE To yOu, TaKe fUcKiNg oVeR AnD OwN YoUr rOlE AnD CuRrEnT GaMe, He's tUrNiNg iNtO JuSt aNoThEr aVeRaGe aDc aGaIn. My rAnT Is oVeR
twitch chat
June 2017

League of Legends

Empirical data suggests this is a QTpie stream

twitchquotes: CarlSmile AH! CarlSmile White shirt! CarlSmile Gray screen! CarlSmile Empirical data suggests this is a QTpie stream.
twitch chat
June 2017

League of Legends

Learning how to throw like a pro

twitchquotes: Hey Imaqtpie! Thanks for the quality stream. I'm watching with my son and you have become his mentor. He is going into baseball so he's learning how to throw like a pro from you! Thanks again!
twitch chat
June 2017


League of Legends

Qt has finally reached rank one

twitchquotes: The year is 2050, league is played by less than 100 people. Qt has finally reached rank one, "Lisha I did it!" he yells excitedly. The sound echoes through the empty mansion. Lisha left long ago...
twitch chat
May 2017


League of Legends

I used to be a real ad

You guessed it right, I'm SUMMIT1G

twitch chat
May 2017

League of Legends

Hello NA? Enjoy your vacation

twitchquotes: πŸ“ž 4Head HELLO NA? πŸ“ž 4Head EU HERE πŸ“ž 4Head ENJOY YOUR VACATION πŸ“ž 4Head
twitch chat
May 2017

League of Legends

EU vs NA

When will TSM play next?

twitchquotes: Hey guys! I've only recently started watching msi, and I have grown attached to the team known as "TSM". The only problem is I don't have access to a schedule of the msi fixtures. Could someone please let me know when TSM play next? For I would love to watch them again. Thanks! EleGiggle
twitch chat
May 2017
Riot Games

League of Legends

EU vs NA

Jump from ego to elo

twitchquotes: If i ever want to kill myself i will just jump from Minikerrs ego to his ELO 4Head
twitch chat
May 2017

League of Legends

(β–€ΜΏΔΉΜ―β”œβ”¬β”΄β”¬β”΄ Psst... kid, you wanna disable adblock?

Please do not type in chat unless you are high ELO

twitchquotes: Please do not type in chat unless you are high ELO (silver 2 and above) FailFish Let's have a high quality chat please
twitch chat
May 2017

League of Legends

Text-to-Speech Playing