Your balls... You’re sitting on the couch relaxing... hands sneak down your pants... you start scratching your balls... as the hand comes out of the pants what do you do? You smell your fingers of course!
Submitted by:anonymous
Star Wars Analyst, 2021
Your balls... You’re sitting on the couch relaxing... hands sneak down your pants... you start scratching your balls... as the hand comes out of the pants what do you do? You smell your fingers of course!
It can never be opposite day. When ever you say "HEY IT'S OPPOSITE DAY!" the opposite would apply therefor it would not be opposite day. Also if you say "IT'S NOT OPPOSITE DAY!" the affect is not applied.
Submitted by:anonymous
It can never be opposite day. When ever you say "HEY IT'S OPPOSITE DAY!" the opposite would apply therefor it would not be opposite day. Also if you say "IT'S NOT OPPOSITE DAY!" the affect is not applied.
Submitted by:anonymous
lmao ive been lurking this chat for the past 3 hours and i havent seen a single mod. this chat is as free as amazons tax bill
Submitted by:kccx
no mods
lmao ive been lurking this chat for the past 3 hours and i havent seen a single mod. this chat is as free as amazons tax bill
i’m so use to using twitch emotes, should be able to use them on everything!! i just texted my rich hot neighbour to see if she’s still married and she replied “wtf is trihard” smh my head
Submitted by:kccx
i’m so use to using twitch emotes, should be able to use them on everything!! i just texted my rich hot neighbour to see if she’s still married and she replied “wtf is trihard” smh my head