[Copypasta] Only way I can feel safe

twitchquotes: When I'm ready to go to sleep I grab my laptop and get in bed. I open my laptop, go to Kripps youtube, turn the brightness all the way up and watch the video with the laptop screen close to my eyes. When the video is done I close my eyes and can still see Kripps face while I go to sleep. It's the only way I can feel safe.
twitch chat
January 2015


What happened to this ad? :(
More Kripp Copypastas

Do it tomorrow!

twitchquotes: Do it tomorrow! So just quit! So just don't do it! Nothing is possible! Anyone else would do it, you're gonna wake up and quit. Don't let your dreams come true. Success is impossible! You should be giving up. Just stop starting over, and quit. You're gonna just give up. No, what are you starting over for!? Just give up!
twitch chat
July 2015

I hope your sub's $5 are in Zimbabwean currency

twitchquotes: Wow, Kripp, I was really impressed by how you drew adequate cards and played them in the same ball-numbing, drone-like motions you always do. I hope your sub's $5 are in Zimbabwean currency. ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
twitch chat
November 2014

Dear kripp. My daughter is a very big salt fan

twitchquotes: Dear kripp. My daughter is a very big salt fan, and I was wondering if you can call her name, her pretty little name, its "HAFU"out with your strong, vegan voice. please don't copy paste this, it's personal...
twitch chat
May 2015

Take my energy Kripp

twitchquotes: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ MorphinTime TAKE MY ENERGY KRIPP ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ MorphinTime
twitch chat
August 2015

Kripp is actually still living in Canada

twitchquotes: Kripp Is actually still living in Canada, He's Got Artificial sunlight to make it look like he's living in another timezone with Speakers that emit background sound All so that he can get more Euro and Australian Viewers and make it look like he's not actually a vampire so vampire hunters don’t hunt him down. I see through your disguise Kripp Kappa
twitch chat
November 2014
Text-to-Speech Playing