[Copypasta] Canadaland

twitchquotes: Hey Kripp Papparrian here. Im very proud of you my boy. So I bought 5 packs of OJ for you. I also booted up P*****b for you so you can fap right away when you are home. I miss you very much. I hope you come back to Canadaland soon.
twitch chat
March 2014
I used to be a real ad
More Kripp Copypastas

Chuck Testa and Cattarian

twitchquotes: Hey Kripparian its me Chuck Testa. I'd personally like to Taxidermize your friend beast Cattarian. "Hey Kripp, it's me Cattarian and I approve of this method!" NOOOOPE it's just me Chuck Testa. Your cat would appreciate being worshiped and praised in the afterlife though. So, lets get that cats body and let me do my hobby.
twitch chat
January 2015

Top deck me and #Shrek me, you Romanian stallion

twitchquotes: Kripparrian grabs Rania by the scruff of her delicate neck, thrusting her to the Hyper-X Ultra-White High-Def gaming chair. The Krippster's rightfully claimed woman presents her rose-hued folds to her master in submission. "Top deck me and #Shrek me, you Romanian stallion" Rania wails in passion. Kripparadino kicks Cattarrian aside, and towers over the chair, "I'm gonna play this perfectly." Kripp misses lethal.
twitch chat
October 2014


Kripp's streaming checklist

twitchquotes: *stretch* ☑ "mmmm kay" ☑ "yeah alright" ☑ "fuckin A" ☑ "if he drew anything else I would've won" ☑ "how's this guy SO LUCKY?" ☑ "TOPDECK FLAMESTRIKE, YEAP" ☑ "topdeck into topdeck into topdeck, yeah that's how you get 12 wins guys" ☑
twitch chat
November 2014

Kripp should change his name to hl_kripp

twitchquotes: Hello Kripparino, this is Noah Liferino, CEO of No Life Incorporated©. As you may already know, we are requiring you to change your Twitch name to hl_kripp (has life) as you no longer are a "no life". This was stated in the contract you signed under section 6 article 9 paragraph 420. This is to be enforced immediately.
twitch chat
July 2014

Kripp finally picks Pogo

twitchquotes: Dear Mr. Kripparian, thank you so much for finally picking Pogo! Ever since you picked Pogo, his grades have gone up, he finally got a girlfriend, and he's stopped masturbating all day in his bedroom. I was certain my little Pogo was going to end up a lifeless virgin loser for his entire life, but your kind actions have put Pogo on a path for success. Thank you, thank you, you have my sincerest gratitude. Much love, Pogo's mom.
twitch chat
June 2020


Text-to-Speech Playing