[Copypasta] I know my opinion is irrelevant because I am a pleb

twitchquotes: I know my opinion is irrelevant because I am a pleb, but hear me out. Are us plebs as insignificant as we are made out to be? If there were no plebs, could there be any subs? I know were seen as copypasta bots, but I am a pleb and I am PROUD. SET AN EXAMPLE FOR US, FELLOW PLEBS, DO NOT FUCKING COPY AND PASTE THIS!
twitch chat
January 2015

plebs vs subs

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Michael Santano, you are a big SELLOUT

twitchquotes: Hello Micheal Santano,this is President Obama,just wanted to tell you,you are a big S E L L O U T,I used to raise my donger to you sir but no longer,do not copy this post or I will NSA your butt.
twitch chat
October 2014

I answer all of qt's questions he is asking himself

twitchquotes: my mom always asks me who I am skyping with, cause I answer all of qt's questions he is asking himself, am I weird?
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August 2014

Hi chat i comerino from amsterdamerino

twitchquotes: Hi chat i comerino from amsterdamerino i solderino my weederino to the 420 lord to pay internet connection to play legenderino leaguerino. Plzerino notice me i playerin with 420 pingerino but im challenger 420 and i always end with 4/2/0 plz help me smokerino more weederino no copy pasterino
twitch chat
October 2014

League of Legends

Why do so many people watch this washed up player?

twitchquotes: Why do so many people watch this washed up player? He is so bad at this game. Why is his hair so long? Does hair length have a connection to a players skill? Is that why girls are so bad at league?
twitch chat
December 2017

League of Legends

Fiddle this, Fiddle that...

twitchquotes: Fiddle this, Fiddle that... For fucks sake chat you do this every time a new champion comes out. Everybody says they are too weak and need buffs. Michael is the ONLY one who goes against the grain to show you that indeed the 27% winrate is a myth and will demonstrate that perfectly clearly how it should be closer to 10%...
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April 2020

League of Legends

Text-to-Speech Playing