twitchquotes:Reynad you should know by now that anything and everything I say will get copy and pasted at least 100 times. It's the curse of the donger king. Much like Midas everything I touch turns to copy pasta.
Reynad you should know by now that anything and everything I say will get copy and pasted at least 100 times. It's the curse of the donger king. Much like Midas everything I touch turns to copy pasta.
Chat, don't salt the slug
twitchquotes:༼ ͒ ̶ ͒༽ CHAT, DON'T SALT THE SLUG. ༼ ͒ ̶ ͒༽
twitchquotes: Andrey Yanuk otherwise known as Reynad has passed away this Saturday's afternoon. He was ambushed by a group of dongers in an alley, and stabbed with a kniferino made out of a salt shaker. His last words were "please use the code "Tempo" to save 3% off the funeral costs and bury me in my tempostorm tshirt". Rest in peace pepperoni cappuccino pistachio bro. You shall be missed. Please no copy pasterino cappuccino
BibleThump Andrey Yanuk otherwise known as Reynad has passed away this Saturday's afternoon. He was ambushed by a group of dongers in an alley, and stabbed with a kniferino made out of a salt shaker. His last words were "please use the code "Tempo" to save 3% off the funeral costs and bury me in my tempostorm tshirt". Rest in peace pepperoni cappuccino pistachio bro. You shall be missed. Please no copy pasterino cappuccino