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More Reynad Copypastas
Your copypasta is not good enough
twitchquotes:If you are posting the same copypasta more than once every few minutes, it means that your copypasta is not good enough to be self sustaining, and therefore is subpar. Either step you game up, or just gtfo and let real chat experts do their work.
If you are posting the same copypasta more than once every few minutes, it means that your copypasta is not good enough to be self sustaining, and therefore is subpar. Either step you game up, or just gtfo and let real chat experts do their work.
If you touched a slug it would die
twitchquotes:Hey Reynad you're so salty, if you touched a slug it would die
twitchquotes:(»° _ °«) R-Reynad-sama? Could you please, um, roleplay, so when your hero takes damage... you um, p-pretend y-you take damage...! T-thank you... (>/////<)
(»° _ °«) R-Reynad-sama? Could you please, um, roleplay, so when your hero takes damage... you um, p-pretend y-you take damage...! T-thank you... (>/////<)
"Great day, isn't it Reynad?" Frodan asks on Skype. "I suppose so," says Reynad, "I've almost convinced Mira into anal." "I meant about Gay Marriage," replies Frodan. Reynad sighs, "I've told you before, I was drunk and confused."