twitchquotes:Hey Reynad, I am from Trump's stream. To make me feel more comfortable could you please turn off your music, shift around uncomfortably, and have prolonged moments of silence? Thankerino
Hey Reynad, I am from Trump's stream. To make me feel more comfortable could you please turn off your music, shift around uncomfortably, and have prolonged moments of silence? Thankerino
Listen up gentlemen, I've got a task for you, you hear? This scrawny, Edward Cullen-looking motherfucker says he loves pasta. Now, I'm not an expert on gay vampires, but as the best chefs in the world, we have an obligation. Let's. Make. Some. Pasta.
Reynad the Saltnosed Streamer
twitchquotes:ʕ ͡◊ ͜◉ ͡◊ ʔ Reynad the Saltnosed Streamer, had a very Salty Nose. All of the other Streamers laughed and used to call him names. Then one salty Krippmas Eve, Forsen came to say, "Reynad with your salt so bright, won't you topdeck my sleigh tonight?" Then all Streamers loved him as they jerked off with glee, Reynad the Saltnosed Streamer, you'll go down in history! ʕ ͡◊ ͜◉ ͡◊ ʔ
ʕ ͡◊ ͜◉ ͡◊ ʔ Reynad the Saltnosed Streamer, had a very Salty Nose. All of the other Streamers laughed and used to call him names. BibleThump Then one salty Krippmas Eve, Forsen came to say, "Reynad with your salt so bright, won't you topdeck my sleigh tonight?" Then all Streamers loved him as they jerked off with glee, Reynad the Saltnosed Streamer, you'll go down in history! ʕ ͡◊ ͜◉ ͡◊ ʔ