CorgiDerp "Alright, yip at Kripp, I guess" CorgiDerp "Haven't yipped at Kripp in a while, let's go yip" CorgiDerp "Yipping at Kripp isn't that good, but alright" CorgiDerp
( ยฐ อสอกยฐ) krippFist Hey Kripp, here's a brofist for you.... nah just kidding ( ยฐ อสอกยฐ)โญโฉโฎ go *** yourself Kappa
Kripp Jong Un
twitchquotes:เป( โขฬ โญ อสโฎ โขฬ )เฅญ It is me Kripp Jong Un. I demand that all showings of "Topdecking and Wrecking 3: Gripped and Kripped" be removed immediately. Those who refuse will be pepperonied เป( โขฬ โญ อสโฎ โขฬ )เฅญ
เป( โขฬ โญ อสโฎ โขฬ )เฅญ It is me Kripp Jong Un. I demand that all showings of "Topdecking and Wrecking 3: Gripped and Kripped" be removed immediately. Those who refuse will be pepperonied เป( โขฬ โญ อสโฎ โขฬ )เฅญ
KRIPP PLEASE delete hearth arena
twitchquotes:KRIPP PLEASE delete hearth arena and pry their dirty leeching talons from your spine. that app is complete trash and the only reason the meta is the way the meta is, is because literally every drooling fucking noob uses that app and just mindleslly picks whatever cards they recomend. DELETE that SHIT and start forging a new meta with your skill and creativity. you have a high IQ but you arent fucking using it. youre being sapped kripp
KRIPP PLEASE delete hearth arena and pry their dirty leeching talons from your spine. that app is complete trash and the only reason the meta is the way the meta is, is because literally every drooling fucking noob uses that app and just mindleslly picks whatever cards they recomend. DELETE that SHIT and start forging a new meta with your skill and creativity. you have a high IQ but you arent fucking using it. youre being sapped kripp