[Copypasta] I get a thousand hugs from 10,000 lightning bugs

twitchquotes: 🤔 In the song "Fireflies" by Owl City he states "I get a thousand hugs from 10,000 lightning bugs." Are we to assume each bug hugs him a thousand times? Or is he only getting hugged by 1/10th of the bugs? Or is each bug is giving him 1/10th of a hug? 🤔
twitch chat
June 2017
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twitchquotes: 👌affirmative 💓amen 💫fine 🙏good 🙌okay 😸true 😇yea 🎉all right⚡aye 🌟beyond a doubt 🔥by all means 🌈certainly ✨definitely 🆒❗even so 💯exactly 🔆gladly good enough❤ granted 💗indubitably 😆just so 💥most assuredly 😎naturally 💪of course 💝positively 😻precisely 🌹sure thing 💌surely 💐undoubtedly 💎unquestionably 🎊very well 🎶willingly 🎋without fail 🚩yep👈
twitch chat
February 2019

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January 2021



twitchquotes: (◉◡◔)ノ✇ FORSEN TAKE THE WHEEL (◉◡◔)ノ✇, ✇ノ(◔◡◉) ןǝǝɥʍ ǝɥʇ ʞooʇ uǝsɹoɟ ✇ノ(◔◡◉)\
twitch chat
March 2016


twitchquotes: The game is great. my favorite part is YOU DISCONECTED FROM THE SERVER. RELIABLE PACKET 1 (size=13) WAS NOT ACK'D AFTER 7505MS (9 RESENDS) haha 10/10
twitch chat
September 2020

Among Us / Amogus

Lockwood Streets 112

twitchquotes: An MR-RL time. Me and Marc Rutzou. Me and fucking Marc Rutzou. That's fucking right. I skipped 1:13. I am a fucking legend. I've never SEEN a 1:13 and I never fucking will. 1:12 baby. Til the day I fucking die. YES!!! Bout time I get a fucking lucky break in this fucking game. MotherFUCKERS! And I CLUTCHED the goddamn grenade launcher. That's FUCKING right. Yeah it's this one. Right here IT'S THIS ONE! My insane pace. Right here! THIS is the 1:12. Right here. YES!!! It's fucking it. I'mma have to jus - I'mma have to find the actual whole vid of it and I'mma have to get it. DUUUUUUUDE WHAT A RUSH! WHAT A RUUUUUUSH! Watch this. Watch when I get the grenade launcher. (sorry) Look at that. See how fast my pace is? Right in the FUCKING HEAD!!! YEEEAAAHHH! Got a FUCKING 1:12 baby. That's RIGHT! You see that CLUTCHNESS? I AM FUCKING CCC-LUTCH! Look at this fucking line I take. I'm like, YEAH baby. Let's fucking DO this. I wait I wait I wait... Right when he starts firing to try to backboost me. The double. Body armor. Two quick ones. I already know I'm gettin' there on the perfect line. LOOK AT THE FUCKING PACE! FIFTY! FOURTY-NINE! MWH FOURTY-SEVEN BABY! That's FUCKING right. That's FUCKING IT! Fucking PUMPED watching this one again. I waited the cinema too 'cause i said oh my God it might be 1:12. And it FUCKING IS!!! IT FUCKING IS baby. YEAH!!! Look at me typing you guys. You guys didn't believe me. I am typing a storm. Dude I FUCKING just got Streets 1:12! It's not fucking comin' off. YES!!! I FUCKING DID IT THAT'S RIGHT! I SKIPPED 1:13 I'M A LEGEND. I AM A FUCKING LEGEND. I'm a FUCKING legend. (YES!) I am a fucking legend.
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May 2020
Text-to-Speech Playing