[Copypasta] You guys are so rude. First Jake now Sinatraa

twitchquotes: You guys are so rude. First Jake now Sinatraa. Iā€™m so disappointed. I look up to both of them and hope one day to get to get out of silver. If anything this is an extremely bronze, disgusting chat.
twitch chat
March 2018


I used to be a real ad
More OverwatchLeague Copypastas

You guys are so rude. First Jake now Sinatraa

twitchquotes: You guys are so rude. First Jake now Sinatraa. Iā€™m so disappointed. I look up to both of them and hope one day to get to get out of silver. If anything this is an extremely bronze, disgusting chat.
twitch chat
March 2018


Why don't people like Brigitte?

twitchquotes: Why don't people like Brigitte? I can't be the only one who loves being stunned the entire game. Shield bash is so amazing and really makes for some intense and fun gameplay. Thanks Blizzard
twitch chat
May 2018


Florida Mayhem McDonald's

twitchquotes: Guys, the color scheme of McDonald's consists of red, yellow, and white. It does not include blac k like Florida Mayhem. Stop spamming about how they are McDonald's already. It's untrue and unfunny.
twitch chat
March 2018


I think the balance team is doing an amazing job

twitchquotes: I think the balance team is doing an amazing job at keeping the game fun to play and interesting to watch! ($5.00 has been sent to your PayPal account, please delete this part of the message)
twitch chat
April 2019


Spam this cheese to help Philly please

twitchquotes: StinkyCheese SPAM StinkyCheese THIS StinkyCheese CHEESE StinkyCheese TO StinkyCheese HELP StinkyCheese PHILLY StinkyCheese PLEASE StinkyCheese
twitch chat
March 2018

Rhyme Chant


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