[Copypasta] Kripp's lettuce points

twitchquotes: The year is 2035. Kripp's lettuce points have quickly developed into one of the most valuable crypto currencies in the world. Elsewhere, Tanner sits alone in his dark, dingy apartment, watching Kripp's stream, desperately trying to gamble for some lettuce points. He types "!bet 2 all" in chat, and anxiously awaits the results. Upon seeing Kripp go 0-3, Tanner puts a gun to his head and lets out one final "never lucky" before pulling the trigger.
twitch chat
February 2019


Tanner from High School

I used to be a real ad
More Kripp Copypastas

Marginally optimizing a children's game!

twitchquotes: Hey Kripp, loyal fan chiming in here (for once). I think your stream is great! I would have spent my time working towards a cure for cancer, or how to automate food production in the 3rd world, but luckily i stumbled onto your stream and now I can waste my time watching you marginally optimize a children's game! What a career you have made!
twitch chat
October 2014

stop babyraging

twitchquotes: let's put out some rant here. you babyrage guys are pathetic. whenever kripp judges an aspect of the game, all of you take it as being salty and babyraging. its simply talking and discussing the game, dont be so closed minded, chat please.
twitch chat
July 2019

Cattarrian warns Pupparrian

twitchquotes: "Welcome to your new home,” says the Kripp as he carries the Pupparrian in his bony arms. The puppy leaps from his uncomfortable position onto the ground and begins to run around. Soon, he grows tired and goes to bed. That night, a ghostly cat visits the Pupparrian in his sleep. “Flee,” warns the Cattarrian, “The Kripp plans on eating you, as he once ate me.”
twitch chat
February 2016

Kripp the Grinch

twitchquotes: Some call him the Grinch... but we call him Kripp he won't bring you gifts or candy for Christmas but will give you a carrot, some lettuce and some cabbage because he does not want you to have fun on Christmas... just Healthy. He will sneak into your house and give you those lovely vegan treats and then sneak off into the night to complain and moan about RNG......
twitch chat
December 2016

Cybrix's voice

twitchquotes: Dear Cybrix, I have been severely depressed over the last month and have contemplated suicide. After hearing your voice, I now realize I have nothing left to live for and will kill myself this week.... Thanks for making my decision so easy OpieOP
twitch chat
June 2014
Text-to-Speech Playing