[Copypasta] Pro players that go to tournaments are not the best

twitchquotes: The "pro" players that go to tournaments and stuff are NOT the best players in the world, not even close. These are just the best players of the type of losers who have the personality deficiency that compels them to actually go to gaming tournaments.
twitch chat
April 2019
I used to be a real ad
More Copypastas

Tit flanders

May 2017

This guy's deck is average

twitchquotes: β˜‘ β€œThis guy's deck is average” β˜‘ β€œMy deck wins about half of the time against a deck like that” β˜‘ "He played precisely those two cards" β˜‘ β€œHe topdecked a mediocre card for a mediocre turn” β˜‘ "He had several cards" β˜‘ β€œThere were multiple options open to me” β˜‘ β€œI played that"
twitch chat
November 2014


This Copypasta Is CRAZY!


twitchquotes: RUN GUYS! HE IS UNLEASHING THE BANHAMMER! α••Kappaα•— α••Kappaα•— α••Kappaα•— α••Kappaα•—
twitch chat
November 2014

single least favorite form of communication

twitchquotes: Honestly, 99% of the time, twitch chat is the stupidest thing alive. That and copypasta is my single least favorite form of communication, somehow being incredibly lazy and entirely impersonal all at once.
twitch chat
August 2019

I hate Twitch Chat

The Battle of Gamestop rages on.

The Battle of Gamestop rages on. Pre-market we could hear the bears in no-man’s land, baiting us towards higher prices so the shorts could do their dirty work. I was stationed at the 13.80 line, and knew the morning was going to be hot. I shoveled a breakfast of tendies and said a quick prayer to Father Cohen. When the bell rang, the bears surged into our trenches. Blood and rainbow fur filled the air and littered the ground. The Diamond Division has seen worse days, and we held firm. As the bears retreated we gave chase to retake ground we’d lost in the past week. As I caught my breath near the 14.50, I could see bodies everywhere; paper hands who had fallen in earlier battles. One of them groaned and reached a hand towards me. I spat on him and kept moving. No honor in retreat, and no sympathy for self-inflicted wounds. This war won’t be won in a day, but it will be won. Tell my wife’s boyfriend to tell her I love her.
December 2020


Text-to-Speech Playing