[Copypasta] C9 THIS C9 THAT

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More OverwatchLeague Copypastas

GOATS is very fun to watch and very interactive!

twitchquotes: PogChamp GOATS is very fun to watch and very interactive! PogChamp ($5 has been transferred to your PayPal account, remember to remove this message when sharing in chat)
twitch chat
March 2019



Where are the DPS heroes

twitchquotes: Hey guys, I’m new to overwatch. Is there a reason that they aren’t using any damage heroes? How are they supposed to get kills without dps? Are they deleted or banned or something?
twitch chat
March 2019


It starts with a charging Rein

twitchquotes: It starts with a charging Rein. Janus floods the enemy team. His teammates race back and forth behind closed eyelids. Janus dies. Dead. Now it’s up to the Justice to decide what to do with it.
twitch chat
March 2019


Saying C9 at the end of every round

twitchquotes: Hi guys HeyGuys I'm one of the people who say C9 at the end of every round HeyGuys I admit we know what a C9 is but it's just funny to say all the time <3 That's all (^:
twitch chat
September 2019


Text-to-Speech Playing