It's EXAM WEEK 😤😤 and it's TIME ⏱⏱ to WHIP OUT 😯😯 your EDUCATION ERECTIONS 🎒📚🍆🍆 and FUCK THESE FINALS 🤣🤣😉😉. That's RIGHT, get READY to BOOTYCALL 🍑📞 your SLUTTY STUDY BUDDIES 😏😏 and HIT 👊👊 the BOOKS 📘📗📙till your BRAIN 🧠🧠 is RUBBED RAW 😫😫 and your PEN 🖊🖊is DRY 😵😵. So let's put the CUM in CUMULATIVE 💦💦 and do this THING 🙌🙌. Send this to 11 of the SKANKIEST 🤤🤤 SCHOLARS you know or you will LITERALLY get F'D! 😱😱
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