[Copypasta] Commonwealth of Veganism

twitchquotes: We have claimed, for Electoral Vote purposes, the Commonwealth of Veganism (which won’t allow legal meat eaters) the State of Twitch, and the State of Kripparian, each one of which has a BIG Vegan lead. Additionally, we hereby claim the State of Lettuce if, in fact, there was a large number of secretly dumped carrots as has been widely reported!
twitch chat
November 2020
I used to be a real ad
More Kripp Copypastas

PJSalt = Hs²

twitchquotes: Albert Einstein was desperate. He tried to prove that the luck of Kripp's opponents was within the laws of mathematics. Critics laughed claiming bad luck is divine punishment for embracing casualness. On his deathbed, he spent his last seconds jotting down the most famous formulas, PJSalt = Hs²
twitch chat
May 2015


Doritos Chip Pyramid

DoritosChip  DoritosChip  DoritosChip  DoritosChip Only a REAL Chip tastes this good DoritosChip  DoritosChip  DoritosChip "Thats too pro for me!! Too L33t Bro!!!! DoritosChip  DoritosChip I can't beat all of this SKILL man!! Git Gud Bro DoritosChip
twitch chat
August 2016

BabyRage pyramid

BabyRage only real KRIPP can build perfect pyramid  BabyRage  BabyRage . Try like me !Try like me ! Try like me !!  BabyRage  BabyRage  BabyRage And my pyramid still higher!!!!!!  BabyRage  BabyRage  BabyRage  BabyRage
twitch chat
April 2017

Mods are asleep! Post your dank memes!

twitchquotes: PogChamp MODS ARE ASLEEP!! POST YOUR DANK MEMES PogChamp
twitch chat
August 2015

Hello Kripp, I am Pappargoth the Ancient

twitchquotes: ╭(◕◕ ◉෴◉ ◕◕)╮ Hello Kripp, I am Pappargoth the Ancient, an Alien from the Planet Hardcore. We sent you to Earth, where your hardcore-ness would conquer the planet. We see you have failed in the mission and become casual.
twitch chat
May 2015
Text-to-Speech Playing