[Copypasta] LGBTQQIP2SAA+ should have another S for straight people

As you may be aware, LGBTQQIP2SAAA is an all inclusive acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Queer, Intersex, Pansexual, Two-Spirit (2S), Androgynous, Asexual and Allies. However, this is not all inclusive at all because it omits an S for Straight people like me. And before you say "Ally covers straight people", please know that I can't be an ally because I hate gays. I'm straight and I don't agree with any of this, but I should be a part of the rainbow
June 2021
What happened to this ad? :(
More Copypastas

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twitch chat
January 2015

Yuumi this, Yuumi that

twitchquotes: Yuumi this, Yuumi that... For fucks sake chat you do this every time a new champion comes out. Everybody says they are too weak and need buffs. Michael is the ONLY one who goes against the grain to show you that indeed the 27% winrate is a myth and will demonstrate that perfectly clearly how it should be closer to 10%...
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May 2019

League of Legends

No more WalMart rollbacks for you

twitchquotes: Dear imaqtpie,My name is Nightblue3 and i hate you for trolling me out of challenger. This is your official warning - I have reported you to the security professionals at WalMart. You will be banned on site. No more rollbacks for you.
twitch chat
October 2014


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November 2014

Ubuntu logo

β£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ Ώβ ›β ‹β ‰β β €β €β €β €β ˆβ ‰β ™β ›β Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώ β£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ Ώβ ‹β β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β ˆβ ™β Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώ β£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ‘Ÿβ β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β’ β£Ύβ£Ώβ£¦β €β €β €β ˆβ’»β£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώ β£Ώβ£Ώβ β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β’ β£Άβ£Άβ£Ύβ£·β£Άβ£†β Έβ£Ώβ£Ώβ‘Ÿβ €β €β €β €β €β Ήβ£Ώβ£Ώ β£Ώβ ƒβ €β €β €β €β €β €β£ β£Ύβ£·β‘ˆβ »β Ώβ Ÿβ »β Ώβ’Ώβ£·β£€β£€β£„β €β €β €β €β €β €β ˜β£Ώ β‘β €β €β €β €β €β €β£΄β£Ώβ£Ώβ Ÿβ β €β €β €β €β €β €β ˆβ »β£Ώβ£Ώβ£¦β €β €β €β €β €β €β’Ή β β €β €β’€β£€β£€β‘˜β’Ώβ£Ώβ‘β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β’Ήβ£Ώβ£Ώβ‘‡β €β €β €β €β €β ˆ β €β €β €β£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ‘‡β’Έβ£Ώβ‘β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β’ˆβ£‰β£‰β‘β €β €β €β €β €β € β‘€β €β €β ˆβ ›β ›β’‘β£Ύβ£Ώβ£‡β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β£Έβ£Ώβ£Ώβ‘‡β €β €β €β €β €β’€ β£‡β €β €β €β €β €β €β »β£Ώβ£Ώβ£¦β‘€β €β €β €β €β €β €β’€β£΄β£Ώβ£Ώβ Ÿβ €β €β €β €β €β €β£Έ ⣿⑄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙Ⓙ⑿⒁⣴⣢⣦⣴⣢⣾⑿⠛⠛⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⒠⣿ β£Ώβ£Ώβ£†β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β ˜β Ώβ Ώβ’Ώβ‘Ώβ Ώβ β’°β£Ώβ£Ώβ£§β €β €β €β €β €β£°β£Ώβ£Ώ β£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£§β‘€β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β €β ˜β’Ώβ£Ώβ Ÿβ €β €β €β’€β£Όβ£Ώβ£Ώβ£Ώ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣢⣄⑀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⒀⣠⣢⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣢⣀⣄⣀⑀⠀⠀⠀⠀⒀⣀⣠⣀⣢⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿
January 2022
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