[Copypasta] KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAA u thru the keyboard

twitchquotes: listen up ok nobody even likes u the only reason i dont ddos u nto oblivion is cuz ur not even worth my bandwif u fkn fgt retard im srs if u say 1 more thing u wont even get to get out of ur seat cuz i wil KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAA u thru the keyboard n shoc ur fingers so bad u will say sry but its too late for that boyo
twitch chat
October 2014
I used to be a real ad
More Kripp Copypastas

When Cybrix buys a Pepperoni pizza

twitchquotes: When Cybrix buys a Pepperoni pizza, its seen as a bit of greasy fun. BUT when Kripp orders a 420 GreaseMaster Pro 5000 garbage pizza pie with 6 different types of pepperoni, spiceified sauce with non-drip collection tray, together with optional built in Cheese crust, hes called Fattarrian
twitch chat
November 2014

Pizza baked, crust is cheesy, hey y'all, gimmie gimmie

twitchquotes: ヽ༼OpieOP༽ノ ᴘɪᴢᴢᴀ ʙᴀᴋᴇᴅ, ᴄʀᴜsᴛ ɪs ᴄʜᴇᴇsʏ, ʜᴇʏ ʏ'ᴀʟʟ, ɢɪᴍᴍɪᴇ ɢɪᴍᴍɪᴇ ヽ༼OpieOP༽ノ
twitch chat
November 2014

Why does Kripp have the personality of an unflushed toilet?

twitchquotes: I don't get why Kripp has to have the personality of an unflushed toilet when he streams. At least when he's in mumble we can love to hate Cybrix. And a mumblebro or two spices things up. It gets old watching Kripp eat Greek food, mute his mic to kiss the succubus, and bitch about RNG.
twitch chat
August 2014

HAHA Just kidding, it's still Diablo Immortal

twitchquotes: H-hey kripp, do you remember me from 2000? Freshman year? It's Diablo 2. I just wanted to stop by since I haven't seen you in 18 years, I've been looking for you. I always thought you were really smart and talented, but I could never work up the nerve to tell you. Anyway, I hope you're doing well...HAHA Just kidding, it's still Diablo Immortal you fucking gullible idiot lmfao. Anyway, the cell phone awaits, see ya man good talk.
twitch chat
November 2018

RIP the Kripparrian

twitchquotes: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) i remember when seeing The Female Barbarian's Face in my Twitch TV Followers List made me happy inside to see the Kripparrian streaming, and see him farm endless hours of D3 or PoE, but now I just think of that succubus girlfriends he has and all the dogs barking and NAZIS shouting, RIP The Kripparrian ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
twitch chat
October 2014
Text-to-Speech Playing